The History of Ozone Holes
What role do refrigerators play in it?
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
What role do refrigerators play in it?
Understanding wind energy and how electricity is generated from wind
On mathematical climate models, geoengineering, and the consequences of global warming
Understanding the post-global warming world, english vineyards, and methods to reduce atmospheric CO2 levels
The advantages of renewable energy and how energy consumption will change in 50 years
Meteorologist Chris Brierley on the first measurements of climate, weather forecasts and how can we double che...
Glaciologist Martin Siegert on the history of glacial theory, lake Vostok research and what ice tells us about...
Geographer Anson Mackay on the ecosystem services, the demands on freshwater around the Earth and the decline ...
Geographer Anson Mackay on threats to fresh water, the dangers of dead zones in the lakes and how people can a...
Mike Flannigan, Professor of Wildland Fire, on the link between wildfires and global warming, the future of wi...
Meteorologist Chris Brierley on the history of Earth and natural climate cycles
Physicist Joanna D. Haigh on how climate modelling can help in weather forecasting, the role of fundamental ph...