The Search for Extraterrestrial Life
Astronomer Avi Loeb on biomarkers in our Galaxy, the bubble of radio waves around the Earth, and the earliest ...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Astronomer Avi Loeb on biomarkers in our Galaxy, the bubble of radio waves around the Earth, and the earliest ...
Princeton University Prof. Lyman Page on development of the hot Big Bang theory, dipole term of CMB, and probi...
Astrophysicist Christopher McKee on giant molecular clouds, hot gas in the halo of the Galaxy, and dominant he...
Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Scott Tremaine on the universal law of gravity, predictability and chaos in...
Astrophysicist Avi Loeb on structure formation in the early Universe, mapping hydrogen using a 21 centimeter l...
MIT Prof. Joshua Winn on multiple stars, coplanar systems, and radius of instability
Harvard Lecturer Ronald Walsworth on methods of exoplanets discovery, reference for spectral measurements, and...
Physicist Max Tegmark on fluctuations in the early Universe, dark matter, dark energy, and the inflation theor...
Astrophysicist Joshua Winn on giant planets formation, the puzzle of their sizes, and discovery of exoplanets
Astrobiologist Christopher Carr on the Late Heavy Bombardment, deinococcus radiodurans, and the polymerase cha...
Physicist Max Tegmark on the Doppler effect, redshift, nuclear fusion, and what happened 13.8 billion years ag...
Physicist Nergis Mavalvala on the general theory of relativity, Hulse-Taylor system, and the way gravitational...