LSD: Mechanism of Action and Side Effects
Pharmacologist David Nichols on the psychedelics, hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder, and therapeutic...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Pharmacologist David Nichols on the psychedelics, hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder, and therapeutic...
Chemist Artem Oganov on Penrose’s patent, quasicrystals and connection between art, mathematics and chemistry
Сhemist Harold Kroto on radio astronomy, fullerenes, and discovery making
Biographer and historian of science Naomi Pasachoff on the discovery of radium and polonium, acquaintance with...
On the the evolution of the ribosome, the central dogma of molecular biology, and what lies beyond the root of...
New research attempts to resolve the debate about water's structure
Chemist Mark Tuckerman on the laws of motion, observables, and the Monte-Carlo approach
Physicist Federico Capasso on semiconductor materials, industrial process control, and beam engineering
Martin Z. Bazant on elecroosmotic flows, Janus patricles, and electrokinetic phenomena
Biologist Angelo Azzi on the internal balance of oxidants and antioxidants, free radicals, and polyphenols
Physicist Eric Mazur on semiconductor surfaces, light detection, and the conversion of solar energy into elect...
Chemist Mark Tuckerman on classical nucleation theory, rare events phenomena, and energetic balance in the mel...