Earth-Like Planets
What do we know about them?
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
What do we know about them?
And how is this related to the development of interdisciplinary scientific fields?
Astrophysicist Didier Queloz on rocky planets, the Kepler space mission, and why it is so difficult to get a p...
Astrophysicist Didier Queloz on protoplanetary disks, the temperature balance of the solar system, and movemen...
Astrophysicist Didier Queloz on the how to find exoplanets, their impact on astronomy, and the uniqueness of o...
Physicist Joshua Winn on the difficulties of exoplanetary research, how researchers managed to get lucky with ...
Astronomer Avi Loeb on biomarkers in our Galaxy, the bubble of radio waves around the Earth, and the earliest ...
Institute for Advanced Study Prof. Scott Tremaine on the universal law of gravity, predictability and chaos in...
MIT Prof. Joshua Winn on multiple stars, coplanar systems, and radius of instability
Harvard Lecturer Ronald Walsworth on methods of exoplanets discovery, reference for spectral measurements, and...
Astrophysicist Joshua Winn on giant planets formation, the puzzle of their sizes, and discovery of exoplanets