Gravitational Lensing
Astrostatistician Alan Heavens on general relativity, how lensing can be used to observe dark matter and wheth...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Astrostatistician Alan Heavens on general relativity, how lensing can be used to observe dark matter and wheth...
Cosmologist Sergei Odintsov on Newton's law, modifications of general relativity, and the essence of gravity
Physicist Mahdi Godazgar on the arrow of time, Schrödinger equation, and Einstein's relativity theory
Physicist David Kaiser on measuring time delay, problems of communications during war, and governments impact ...
Physicist Daniel Kleppner on precise time measurements, gravitational field, and the Global Positioning System
Economist Laurence Kotlikoff on the difference between taxing and borrowing, government debts, and financial ...
Physicist Nergis Mavalvala on the general theory of relativity, Hulse-Taylor system, and the way gravitational...