Before Command: The Russian Economy from Emancipat...
Historian Paul Gregory on the agrarian crisis hypothesis, smychka, and the agricultural performance of Siberia
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Historian Paul Gregory on the agrarian crisis hypothesis, smychka, and the agricultural performance of Siberia
Historian of science Loren R. Graham on the mistakes Russian leaders make, intellectual property and risky inv...
Anthropologist Thomas Barfield on ethnic distinctions of architectural forms, earthquakes, and local construct...
Historian Jay Winter on the global character of wars in the 20th century, the influence of technical progress ...
Historian Carlo Ginzburg on the benandanti witches, clashes between medieval peasants and inquisitors, and the...
Historian Carlo Ginzburg on the value of an individual, geopolitical traditions in history and globalization
The discovery of a 55,000-year-old partial skull in Northern Israel provides new insights into the migration o...
Professor Mark Jarzombek on what Buddhist temples express, transfer of architectural techniques, and the Euroc...
Biologist Steven Benner on the questions answered by paleogenetics, how laboratory work in the field is conduc...
Nobel Prize laureate Roy Glauber on avoiding predetonation, the Trinity test, and the hydrogen bomb
Historian Paul Gregory on Stalin's "limity", death sentences, and the academic research with great political i...
University of Warwick Prof. Mark Harrison on military-industrial complex, Stalin's Great Breakthrough, and pap...