Physicist Martin McCall on artificial materials, control over the magnetic response, and perfect lenses
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Physicist Martin McCall on artificial materials, control over the magnetic response, and perfect lenses
Physicist Susanne Yelin on the perfect lens, the way to achieve negative indexes of refraction, and the challe...
Physicist Eric Mazur on the features of ultrashort laser pulses in transparent materials, new prospects in dat...
Physicist Nergis Mavalvala on quantum radiation pressure noise, amplitude-phase correlation, and refrigerated ...
Harvard University Professor Federico Capasso on the generalized law of reflection, vortex beams of light, and...
Harvard Prof. Susanne Yelin on interaction between light and matter, optical pumping, and slow light
MIT Prof. Nergis Mavalvala on Poisson distributed noise sources, squeezed states of light, and optical cavitie...
Harvard Prof. Mikhail Lukin on the quantum mechanical switch, improving the lifetime of our memory, and quantu...
Physicist Srinivas Sridhar on super resolution imaging, an entirely new way for light to propagate, and a brea...