Hippies Counterculture and the Quantum Revival
Historian of science David Kaiser on clever provocations of a group of young physicists in Berkeley, quantum e...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Historian of science David Kaiser on clever provocations of a group of young physicists in Berkeley, quantum e...
Physicist Daniel Kleppner on Bose-Einstein condensation, atom beams, and quantum computers
Inspired by the structure of graphene, scientists design a new class of topological insulators with possible a...
Physicist Mikhail Lukin on superposition principle, secure transmission of information, and quantum computer
Physicist David Pritchard on source of coherent atoms, measuring polarization, and precision inertial navigati...
MIT Prof. Daniel Kleppner on atom cavity oscillations, quantum entanglement and mechanical systems that are de...
Nobel Prize laureate David Gross on Rutherford experiments, asymptotic freedom, and the origin of the particle...
Physicist Susanne Yelin on mirrors in a laser cavity, nano-optomechanics, and creating photons out of nothing ...
Harvard Prof. Susanne Yelin on interaction between light and matter, optical pumping, and slow light
Physicist Roy Glauber on light, quantum coherence, and development of the laser
Physicist Ronald Walsworth on quantum mechanical transitions inside atoms, blue and red shift for GPS, and use...
Nobel Prize winning physicist Wolfgang Ketterle on laser and evaporative cooling, the candidates for Bose-Eins...