What is First Philosophy?
Philosopher Andrew Haas on categories of necessity and possibility, Aristotle's 'Metaphysics', and ontohenochr...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Philosopher Andrew Haas on categories of necessity and possibility, Aristotle's 'Metaphysics', and ontohenochr...
Philosopher Andrew Haas on the aristotelean understanding of time, subjective and objective perception of this...
Theoretical physicist Xavier Bekaert on Galilean relativity, the separation of time and space, and Einstein’s ...
Cosmologist Sergei Odintsov on Newton's law, modifications of general relativity, and the essence of gravity
Physicist Mahdi Godazgar on the arrow of time, Schrödinger equation, and Einstein's relativity theory
Physicist Daniel Kleppner on precise time measurements, gravitational field, and the Global Positioning System