Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization
Physicist Lyman Page on thermal radiation, quadrupolar distribution, and the early Universe
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Physicist Lyman Page on thermal radiation, quadrupolar distribution, and the early Universe
Astronomers have found a cluster of stars which is controversial to the fact that clouds of star-forming mater...
Physicist Max Tegmark on using mathematics to explain the Universe, and how we could develop software to map a...
MIT Professor David Kaiser on galactic superclusters, long-term effects of gravity, and Higgs field
Princeton University Prof. Lyman Page on modes of polarization, Gaussian distribution, and the sum of neutrino...
Princeton University Prof. Lyman Page on development of the hot Big Bang theory, dipole term of CMB, and probi...
Astrophysicist Avi Loeb on structure formation in the early Universe, mapping hydrogen using a 21 centimeter l...
Physicist Max Tegmark on fluctuations in the early Universe, dark matter, dark energy, and the inflation theor...
Physicist Max Tegmark on the Doppler effect, redshift, nuclear fusion, and what happened 13.8 billion years ag...