The History of Ozone Holes
What role do refrigerators play in it?
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
What role do refrigerators play in it?
An overview from birth to an old age
Historian Peter Jones on Peter Abelard, logical analysis of the Scripture and what was the role of the univers...
Daniel Kontowski on the freedom of students, prescribed curriculum and a ‘cafeteria’ model of education
David Dussault on human relationships, life experience and how to understand the influence that IT has on our ...
Historian Peter Jones on the seven liberal arts, first textbooks and drinking as part of the student culture
Daniel Kontowski on trivium and quadrivium, the great books tradition and what are the arguments against class...
David Dussault on the ideal type of students, gig economy and the difference between skills and knowledge
Historian Peter Jones on the first European universities, different models of the education regulation and the...
Daniel Kontowski on the idea of liberal education, its learning outcomes and the consumerist approach to educa...
David Dussault on the value of PhD, the needs of the employers and why a career trajectory should not be linea...
Historian Peter Jones on monastic education, cathedral schools and apprenticeship in the Middle Ages