Effects of Music on Brand Perception
Psychologist Daniel Mullensiefen on why music is an important part of ads and how it can influence purchase de...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Psychologist Daniel Mullensiefen on why music is an important part of ads and how it can influence purchase de...
Physicist John Ellis on what the Higgs boson is and the history of its discovery
Professor of Neurology Kevin Talbot on genome editing in neurodegenerative diseases, their genetic causes and ...
Computer scientist Erol Gelenbe on different types of cyber-attacks and end-to-end security of health data exc...
Meteorologist Chris Brierley on the history of Earth and natural climate cycles
Biogerontologist David Gems on different aging theories and the impact of genes on aging
Oncologist Justin Stebbing on breast cancer preventive therapy and why cancer genes are quite rare
Physicist Michele Dougherty on Cassini and Voyager missions and the possibility of life on Enceladus
Physicist Jonathan Butterworth on history of the Standard Model, its core principles and the role of the Higgs...
Geographer Mathias Disney on the chemistry of photosynthesis and why we depend on it
Computer scientist Erol Gelenbe on history of neural networks research, Lapicque equation and reinforcement le...
Physicist John Ellis on discovery of dark matter, ways to look for it and what dark matter particles might be