Developmental Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change
Biologist Arkhat Abzhanov on principal component analysis, molecular-based phylogenetic tree, and zebrafish em...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Biologist Arkhat Abzhanov on principal component analysis, molecular-based phylogenetic tree, and zebrafish em...
Phycisist John Doyle on travelling salesman problem, electric dipole moment, and laser cooling
Physicist Max Tegmark on predictions that cannot be observed, explanation of the fine-tuning of the Universe, ...
Physicist Srinivas Sridhar on non-invasive methods of monitoring, localizing the source of seizures, and brain...
Linguist Maria Polinsky on behavioral approaches, resumptive pronouns, and presence of genders in different la...
Physicist Seth Lloyd on development of quantum mechanics, nanoscale interactions, and overcoming energy crisis
Boston University Professor Maxim Frank-Kamenetskii on the double helix structure of DNA, formaldehyde reactiv...
Physicist Nergis Mavalvala on quantum radiation pressure noise, amplitude-phase correlation, and refrigerated ...
Carnegie Mellon Prof. Matthew Bass on how to keep products innovative, development roadmaps, and interaction b...
University of Warwick Prof. Mark Harrison on military-industrial complex, Stalin's Great Breakthrough, and pap...
MIT Prof. Loren Graham on biomedical ethics, challenges of becoming an academic discipline, and the impact of ...
Princeton University Prof. Lyman Page on development of the hot Big Bang theory, dipole term of CMB, and probi...