The climate and habitability of planets with etern...
The new research investigates the climate states of rocky planets of Earth and Super-Earth-sizes with stable d...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
The new research investigates the climate states of rocky planets of Earth and Super-Earth-sizes with stable d...
Exploring genetic similarities between human populations can help to fill gaps in history books
Pathobiologist Juergen Richt explains the significance of the studies for which the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physio...
The speed of reproductive ageing of female elephants seems to depend on the season in which they were born
A patient was implanted 3D-printed artificial ribs made of titanium
Human-made chemicals may be linked to a reversal of sex ratios in frog populations living closer to suburban a...
A new study explores the mechanism by which a peptide contained in wasp venom inhibits cancer cell proliferati...
A possible formation of a planet is observed near the star in the HD 100546 system
A freshwater basin in the heart of Africa offers a glimpse into one of Earth’s early oceans and shows how a ti...
The Southern Ocean carbon sink might be more affected by natural climate variability than previously recognize...
The dense cores of star-forming clouds have been observed for the first time in a tiny dwarf galaxy.
Descendants of starved worms appear to be more resistant to starvation and heat stress