Innate Immunity
Molecular biologist Greg Towers on interferons, uninfectable cells, and how breaking a virus can actually help...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Molecular biologist Greg Towers on interferons, uninfectable cells, and how breaking a virus can actually help...
Physiologist John Stein on Parkinson's disease, the applications of deep brain stimulation, and its side effec...
Molecular biologist Byron Caughey on the structure of prions, prion diseases, and their causes and treatment
Behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin on twin studies, genetic influence of parents on their children, and 1% of...
Molecular Biologist Greg Towers on HIV discovery in San Francisco, antiviral drug therapy and current areas of...
Neuropsychologist Barbara Sahakian on cognitive training, areas of the brain that get affected in Alzheimer's ...
Developmental psychologist Uta Frith on autism, social interaction, and the difference between mentalizing and...
Neuroscientist Neil Burgess on the discovery of place cells, spatial memory, and experiments with functional n...
Neuroscientist Karl Friston on the Markov blanket, Bayesian model evidence, and different global brain theorie...
Behavioral geneticist Robert Plomin on the prediction of GCSE results, reading disability, and the heritabilit...
Molecular Biologist Richard Henderson on the lipid bilayer, mitochondria, and the evolution of organisms
Epidemiologist Nick Wareham on leptin, type 2 diabetes, and genome-wide association studies