Empowering a sustainable future, cutting-edge advancements in energy technology drive efficient, renewable solutions. From solar power and wind energy to advanced battery storage and smart grids, these innovations meet global demands while combating climate change and ensuring energy security for all.
Fundamental Interactions
Physicist Jonathan Butterworth on the term ‘fundamental’, the forces of the Standard model and why gravity is ...
Earth’s Magnetospere
Physicist David Southwood on how the magnetic field of Earth causes natural losses of spacecraft, the aurorae ...
Free Energy Principle
Neuroscientist Karl Friston on the Markov blanket, Bayesian model evidence, and different global brain theorie...
Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Chemical engineer Dionisios Vlachos on the Apollo space missions, overpotentials, and proton exchange membrane...
“It is the only technology that can generate...
Biotechnologist Ioannis Ieropoulos on microbial fuel cells, waste treatment, and the ‘Pee-Power’ urinal
Neutrino – Nucleon Scattering at High Energy
MIT Senior Research Scientist Frank Taylor on two types of current interactions, experiments with predictive p...
Precision Cosmology
Physicist Max Tegmark on fluctuations in the early Universe, dark matter, dark energy, and the inflation theor...
Proton – Proton Collisions at High Energy
Physicist Frank Taylor on the Higgs boson, supersymmetry, and physics beyond the Standard Model