Political Theory of Technologies
Sociologist Viktor Vakhshtayn on technological evolution, military drones, and robotized power
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Sociologist Viktor Vakhshtayn on technological evolution, military drones, and robotized power
Sociologist Viktor Vakhshtayn on the Wittgensteinian turn, betrayal of ideas, and how the unit became a number
Professor of Philosophy of Science John Worrall on the scientific revolutions, falsifiability and what are the...
Evolutionary biologist Armand Leroi on the first studies of animal anatomy, ancient works on nature and the in...
Professor of Philosophy of Science John Worrall on scientific revolutions, continuity of science, and the chan...
Historian of Science Simon Werret on the Russian Academy of Sciences, the foundation of Saint Petersburg, and...
Historian of Science Simon Werret on the Russian maritime empire, sale of Alaska, and the role of trade in rec...
Neuroscientist Neil Burgess on the origin of neuroscience, drugs in clinical psychology, and the revolution in...
Historian and Philosopher of Science Liba Taub on a history of the globe, antique representation of the Univer...
Cosmologist Martin Rees on the history of astronomy, first nanoseconds of the universe and the theory of multi...
Historian Alessandro Scafi on the Medieval knowledge about spherical form of the Earth, compass points on medi...
Historian and Philosopher of Science Liba Taub on the definition of science, Aristotle, and the ancient ideas ...