Dynamics of Neuronal Ensembles
On neuronal ensembles, computer models of the brain, and the Blue Brain Project
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
On neuronal ensembles, computer models of the brain, and the Blue Brain Project
Modern neuroscience, Camillo Golgi and the new generation of prostheses
Neurobiologist Madeline Lancaster on brain development, cerebral organoids and how close they are to actually ...
Cognitive neuroscientist Patrick Haggard on the Pacinian corpuscle, three attributes of the tactile sensations...
Neurologist Kevin Talbot on the RNA transport down the axons, spinal muscular atrophy and why human motor neur...
Neuroscientist Neil Burgess on the discovery of place cells, spatial memory, and experiments with functional n...
Professor of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Biomedical Engineering at McGill University Sylvain Baillet on brain ...
Biologist Hernán López-Schier on optogenetics, photo-uncaging of chemical compounds, and Parkinsonian mice
New research suggests that the ‘hardware’ in our brain is tuneable
Psychologist Samuel McClure on neurotransmitters, errors in prediction, and neuromarketing
Philosopher Patricia Churchland on discoveries in neuroscience, split consciousness, and levels of organisatio...
New Nature paper reveals that brain perceives distance differently depending on surroundings