Genome Annotation
Bioinformatician Tim Hubbard on the process of identifying genes, protein genes and RNA genes, and how many ge...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Bioinformatician Tim Hubbard on the process of identifying genes, protein genes and RNA genes, and how many ge...
Molecular Biologist Richard Henderson on new protein structures, experiments with electron cryomicroscopy, and...
Molecular biologist Byron Caughey on the structure of prions, prion diseases, and their causes and treatment
Molecular Biologist Richard Henderson on the lipid bilayer, mitochondria, and the evolution of organisms
Biophysicist Georg Büldt on using fluorescent protein markers, hormonal communication during pregnancy, and in...
Mathematician Jørgen Andersen on local geometry of hydrogen bonds, quantum states of proteins and future metho...
Biophysicist Georg Büldt on X-ray crystallography, structure of proteins, and free electron laser
Plants respond to stress with a combination of chemical responses similar to those of animals, but using a sep...
Biologist Hopi Hoekstra on sand dunes of Nebraska, agouti signaling protein, and adaptation to the habitat
The insight into the structure of motor proteins shows how they interact to deliver nutrients to cells
Harvard Professor Jeff Lichtman on revolution of fluorescent proteins, brainbow as a technique in connectonomi...
Geneticist David Sinclair on the aging dogma, SIR proteins, and an efficient way of DNA repair