Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Neurologist Kevin Talbot on the history of neurological research, genetics of ALS and the modern view on the o...
Serious Science
where Innovation meets Impact
Neurologist Kevin Talbot on the history of neurological research, genetics of ALS and the modern view on the o...
Geographer Mathias Disney on carbonate deposits in the ocean, how wildfires release the carbon in the atmosphe...
Geneticist Steve Jones on skin cancer, the effect of vitamin D and why the sunlight is good for health and dan...
Physicist Jonathan Butterworth on the term ‘fundamental’, the forces of the Standard model and why gravity is ...
Biogerontologist David Gems on the innate plasticity in aging, senolytic drugs and whether we should expect dr...
Bioinformatician Tim Hubbard on the process of identifying genes, protein genes and RNA genes, and how many ge...
Physicist Michele Dougherty on the planetary dynamo, Cassini’s flybys of Saturn and why the nature of the magn...
Physicist David Southwood on how the magnetic field of Earth causes natural losses of spacecraft, the aurorae ...
Psychiatrist Guy Goodwin on the causes of bipolar disorder, why manic episodes are so dangerous and what medic...
Historian Peter Jones on the medieval obsession with relics, Christian heresies and why we shouldn’t reduce ob...
Oncologist Justin Stebbing on different types of treatment for cancer, gene sequencing and what does it mean t...
Mathematician Gareth Jones on Gödel's incompleteness theorem, the halting problem and why the subsets of the n...